Sunday, January 1, 2012


When I applied for this trip I thought it would never actually happen, even if I got accepted it was so far in the future that it didn't seem real. It hasn't seemed real until right now. I am leaving at 8:30 am to catch my first flight in Salt Lake and then I have about 22 hours of traveling ahead of me before I arrive in Auckland at 5 am on the 4th (18 hours ahead of Utah). I'm so excited I can't even take my Sunday nap!


  1. Sounds like you'll need to be packing instead of napping! I'm so excited for you and looking forward to sharing your adventures through your blog. Happy traveling!!! Love you.

  2. Micah, I am looking forward to reading your post! Have fun and stat safe. Love dawn

  3. yea! you're off! you will have SO much fun...can't wait to hear about it! love you.
